Curriculum Vitae
Updated Feb 2024
University of Southern California 2013-2019
Ph.D., Geological Sciences & Geobiology
Dissertation: “Quantifying the Threshold of Biogenic Detection in Evaporites: Constraining Potential Martian Biomarker Preservation via Terrestrial Analogues"
Advisor & Committee: Drs. Frank Corsetti, Will Berelson, Dave Bottjer, Aaron Celestian, Department of Earth Sciences and Dave Caron, Department of Biological Sciences
Purdue University
M.S., Aeronautical & Astronautical Engineering (Concentrations: Systems Engineering & Human Factors)
Thesis: "A Multi-Level Approach to Enhance Information Exchange for the 2011 Mars Science Laboratory Mission"
State University of New York at Stony Brook
B.S., Geology
B.E., Engineering Science (Concentration: Materials Sciences)
Undergraduate Research: Quantified the groundwater table within the Burns Formation, Mars by constraining secondary porosity within abraded rocks
Research Advisor: Dr. Scott McLennan, Department of Geosciences
Career Experience & Positions Held
Research Scientist, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory 2012-Present
Research Affiliate in Mineral Sciences, Los Angeles Natural History Museum 2017-Present
Scientist, Blue Marble Space Institute for Science 2019-Present
Graduate Research Assistant, Corsetti Geobiology Lab 2013-2018
Science Team Collaborator, Athena Science Team, Mars Exploration Rover 2005-2012
Undergraduate Research Assistant, McLennan Sedimentology and Geochemistry Lab 2004-2008
Academic Research Appointments
Doctoral Research under Dr. Frank Corsetti 2013-2019
University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA
Graduate Research Assistant under Dr. Daniel DeLaurentis 2008-2010
Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN
Undergraduate Research Assistant under Dr. Scott McLennan 2004-2008
State University of New York at Stony Brook, Stony Brook, NY
Funded Proposals
Nuclaic Acids
Pressure-Relevant Ecological Systems”
Publications (Books and Book Chapters)
Publications (Journal Articles)
Publications (Abstracts)
Selected Fieldwork and Expeditions
Educational Outreach and Teaching
Invited Public Lecture: “The Biology of Biosignatures on subsurface Mars and Ocean Worlds”
Invited Lecture: “Primer on Mars Sedimentology and Potential Geobiology for Extinct and Extant Life”
White Papers and Scientific Reports
-Generated a two-year study proposal entitled “The Biology of Biosignature Detection” that will generate
and apply a geobiological-driven framework for return sample analyses and in-situ biological
validation campaigns.
-Bridges the current science gap between current “life detection” strategies into biological validation
-External KISS Study Lead is Charles Cockell (Uni. of Edinburgh), Caltech KISS Lead is Woody Fischer.
-Part of the ~15 member international group led by John Mustard (Brown University) to determine
the potential for subsurface microbial extant life on Mars, the in-situ science investigations needed
to determine biogenicity, and potential pathways to access that evidence.
-Determining in-parallel Mars discipline science for missions and science investigations during the
period prior to and after Mars Sample Return (MSR) campaigns
Service to the Scientific Community
Mentoring and Students
2023-Present Adam Robinson, Dept. of Microbiology, St. Petersburg College
2022 Jess Pavlik (The University of Tulsa,Department of Biology)
2022 Crystal Dang (Department of Biology, Virginia Tech)
2021-Present Breanna Javier, Dept. of Biology / Geological & Planetary Sciences, California Institute of Technology
2021-Present Meghan Winzler (California State University, Long Beach)
2021-Present Paulina Cortez (San Diego State University & STAR intern)
2020-Present Devan Nisson (Princeton University)
2020-2021 Zac Cooper (University of Washington)
2020-Present Madeline Garner (Montana State University & Blue Marble Space Institute of Science)
2019-Present Jose Valera (University of California, Santa Barbara, Ecology, Evolution, and Marine Biology)
2019-Present Bea Baharier (Open University, School of Environment, Earth, and Ecosystems Sciences)
2019-2020 Jemma Dickson (Chemistry & Marine Biological Science College of the Atlantic)
2019-Present Eduardo Martinez (Civil Engineering, Environmental and Water Resource Engineering, Cal State LA)
2019 Sarah Crucilla (Geological & Planetary Sciences, California Institute of Technology)
2019 Wilson Jean-Baptiste (Department of Chemical Engineering, Howard University) (Co-advised with Dr. Keith Chin)
Preston Tasoff (Department of Biology, Washington University in St. Louis)
2018-Present Michelle Hooks (JPL STAR intern in teaching)
2018-2019 Jonathan Major (Department of Geosciences, University of Tulsa)
2018 Angel Chavez (Dept. of Chemical Engineering & Materials Science, University of California, Irvine)
2017-Present Taleen Mahseredjian (Dept. of Earth Sciences, University of Southern California)
Selected Presentations (Talks)
“Subsurface Biology on Mars: Probability, Preservation, and Determining Biogenicity”
“Quantifying Biosignature Preservation in Brine and Evaporitic Martian Analog Environments”
Selected Conference Presentations
Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, The Woodlands, TX 2023
Astrobiology Science Conference , Atlanta, GA 2022
Mars Extant Life: What's Next? , Potential Martian Extant Life Environments I: Ice and Salt, Carlsbad, NM 2019
Habitability: The First Four Billion Years – Biosignature Theory and Detection of Life, Big Sky, MT 2019
12th Conference on Halophilic Microorganisms – Astrobiology session, Cluj-Napoca, Romania 2019
Committee on Space Research (COSPAR) , Biosignature Detection in the Solar System, Pasadena, CA 2018
National Academy of Sciences – Space Studies Board: Searching for Life across Space & Time, Irvine, CA 2016
Biosignature Preservation and Detection in Mars Analog Environments , Lake Tahoe, NV 2016
Astrobiology Science Conference , Chicago, IL, Mesa, AZ 2015, 2017
American Geophysical Union , San Francisco, CA 2012, 2014
Eighth International Conference on Mars , California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 2014
Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Lunar Planetary Institute, Houston, TX 2005-2009 , 2013
Seventh International Conference on Mars , California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 2007
Undergraduate Research & Creative Activities , Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY 2005-2007
General Work Experience
State University of New York at Stony Brook – Technical Support (President’s and Provost’s offices) 2007-2008
State University of New York at Stony Brook – Resident Assistant (RA) 2004-2007
-Responsibilities include creating instructive programs while serving as a mediator, counselor, crisis manager, and assistant to my 38 residents, at the same time enforcing campus policy and procedures.
Department of Geosciences - McLennan group website – Webmaster 2003-2008
State University of New York at Stony Brook – Lab Manager 2003-2007
Professional Associations
American Geophysical Union (AGU)
Geological Society of America (GSA) 2003-Present