Publications & CV (web)

Curriculum Vitae
Updated Feb 2024

Scott M. Perl, Ph.D.

 Research Scientist, Geobiology & Astrobiology, NASA-JPL
NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory / California Institute of Technology

4800 Oak Grove Drive, Pasadena, CA 91109

Co-Principal Investigator, Origins and Habitability Lab

Research Associate in Mineral Sciences, LA-NHM

Research Affiliate Scientist, Blue Marble Space Institute of Science (BMSIS)

Group Site: | Research Site:


University of Southern California                                                                                                                                                                                                     2013-2019
Ph.D., Geological Sciences & Geobiology

Dissertation: “Quantifying the Threshold of Biogenic Detection in Evaporites: Constraining Potential Martian Biomarker Preservation via Terrestrial Analogues"

Advisor & Committee: Drs. Frank Corsetti, Will Berelson, Dave Bottjer, Aaron Celestian, Department of Earth Sciences and Dave Caron, Department of Biological Sciences

Purdue University                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  2008-2011

M.S., Aeronautical & Astronautical Engineering (Concentrations: Systems Engineering & Human Factors)

Thesis: "A Multi-Level Approach to Enhance Information Exchange for the 2011 Mars Science Laboratory Mission"

State University of New York at Stony Brook                                                                                                                                                                              2002-2008

B.S., Geology

B.E., Engineering Science (Concentration: Materials Sciences)

Undergraduate Research: Quantified the groundwater table within the Burns Formation, Mars by constraining secondary porosity within abraded rocks

Research Advisor: Dr. Scott McLennan, Department of Geosciences

Career Experience & Positions Held  

Research Scientist,  NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory                                                                                                                          2012-Present

  • JPL Science Lead, Ocean Worlds Reconnaissance & Characterization (ORCAA)                                                                                         2022-Present
  • Science Lead, Deep Access Subsurface Extraction & Retrieval (DASER)                                                                                                          2021-Present
  • Scientist, Probe Using Radioisotopes for Icy Moons Exploration (PRIME)                                                                                                             2019-2020
  • Co-Principal Investigator, JPL Origins and Habitability Laboratory                                                                                                      2017-Present
  • Scientist, Extant Life Volume Imaging System (ELVIS), Europa Lander instrument (concept)                                                              2017-2021
  • CRISM Investigation Scientist, Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter                                                                                                                  2013-2018
  • Cycle Coordinator, Payload Operations and Science Team, Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter                                                                2013-2018
  • Science Planner, Integrated Planning & Execution, Mars Science Laboratory                                                                                       2012-2013

Research Affiliate in Mineral Sciences, Los Angeles Natural History Museum                                                                                2017-Present

Scientist, Blue Marble Space Institute for Science                                                                                                                                   2019-Present

Graduate Research Assistant, Corsetti Geobiology Lab                                                                                                                                     2013-2018

Science Team Collaborator, Athena Science Team, Mars Exploration Rover                                                                                                 2005-2012 

Undergraduate Research Assistant, McLennan Sedimentology and Geochemistry Lab                                                                              2004-2008

Professional Appointments
Co-Principal Investigator, Origins and Habitability Laboratory (OHL) at JPL                                                                       2017-Present
NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA
  • Managing the OHL laboratory and group with of researchers consisting of visiting faculty, post-docs, graduate students, and summer interns.
  • Alongside Co-PI Dr. Laurie Barge, we conduct fieldwork and laboratory experiments that generate research ideas and proposals in the fields of astrobiology, geobiology, origins of life, microbiology, habitability, and mineralogy.
Research Affiliate in Mineral Sciences, Los Angeles Natural History Museum (LA-NHM)                                                2017-Present
Los Angeles, CA
  • Working with Dr. Aaron Celestian in the Mineral Sciences department of Research and Collections on mineral and fluidic analyses connected to geobiology, spectroscopy, and mineralogy.
  • Giving talks during museum events, public science activities, and astrobiology outreach that showcase our research
Scientist, Blue Marble Space Institute of Science (BMSIS)                                                                                                     2019-Present
Seattle, Washington (Virtual Astrobiology Institute -
  • Part of the BMSIS research institute highlighting several astrobiology and planetary geology programs and collaborations
  • Mentor in the BMSIS-Young Scientist Program (YSP) where I lead student initiative programs in geobiology, astrobiology, planetary geology, and mineralogy. Students can be remote or in-person and range from year-round to summer programs.
Mars Exploration Rover mission - Athena Science Team collaborator                                                                                      2004-2012
NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA (remote from SUNY Stony Brook)
  • Supporting rover operations as part of the Science Operations Working Group (SOWG) with science team members on daily mission planning and activities for the MER rovers on Mars. Attending team meetings and presenting my research using data received from Opportunity

Academic Research Appointments

Doctoral Research under Dr. Frank Corsetti                                                                                                                                   2013-2019

University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA


  • Conducting geobiological, microbiology, and mineralogy experiments to determine preservation potential of evaporites with comparison to Martian surface and orbital CRISM data. Investigations includes fieldwork, sterile sample acquisition, microbiology lab techniques (DNA extractions, qPCR, 16S rRNA gene sequencing), instrument analyses (spectroscopy, Raman, XRF, Digital Holography, spectrophotometry), and optical techniques.


Graduate Research Assistant under Dr. Daniel DeLaurentis                                                                                                        2008-2010

Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN


  • Working with the System-of-Systems laboratory, created techniques to improve information exchange and decision support between human and robotic systems used in both the Mars Science Laboratory mission and the Mars Exploration Program.


Undergraduate Research Assistant under Dr. Scott McLennan                                                                                                  2004-2008

State University of New York at Stony Brook, Stony Brook, NY


  • While performing science team operations for the Mars Exploration Rover (MER) Opportunity, utilized Microscopic Imager (MI) data containing microtextural features to investigate the activity of groundwater flow through the subsurface regions in the Burns Formation in Meridiani Planum, Mars.


Funded Proposals


  • Principal Investigator, JPL Spontaneous Concepts R&TD "'Life Detection Development and Data Assessment of Agnostic                         2023

          Nuclaic Acids

  • Co-Investigator, NASA PSTAR: "Ocean Worlds Reconnaissance and Characterization of Astrobiological Analogs”                             2022-2026
  • Principal Investigator, JPL Strategic University Research Partnerships "Exploring abiotic constraints on microbial habitability        2020-2023
    in subsurface hypersaline brines" (University Co-Is,: T.C. Onstott, Devan Nisson)
  • Co-Investigator, JPL Spontaneous Concepts R&TD "The Next Generation, Fieldable Digital Holographic Microscope"                                   2021
  • Principal Investigator,  JPL Spontaneous Concepts R&TD "Constraining Extreme Environment Adaptation Pathways:                                  2020
    Tracing Genetic Divergence within a halophilic species"                                                                                                                                                 
  • Principal Investigator, JPL Strategic R&TD “Simulating Ocean World Microbiology and                                                               (Delayed, COVID-19) 

          Pressure-Relevant Ecological Systems”

  • Co-Investigator, JPL Strategic R&TD “Studies of Ocean World Materials and Minerals”                                                               (Delayed, COVID-19) 
  • Co-Investigator, JPL Strategic R&TD “Pressure Gradient Reactors to Simulate                                                                                (Delayed, COVID-19)  Mineral-Driven Chemistry and Biology under Enceladus-like conditions”
  • Principal Investigator, JPL Spontaneous R&TD "'Constraining Extreme Environment Adaptation Pathways:                                                      2020
    Tracing Genetic Divergence within a halophilic species"                                               
  • Co-Investigator, NASA PSTAR: “Detectability of Magmatic Intrusions within Sulfur-rich Sediments                                                          2019-2022   for Martian Mineralogical and in-situ Operational Analyses”
  • Principal Investigator, President’s and Directors Fund, Caltech & JPL: “Biogeochemical Signatures of                                                     2018-2020  Hypersaline Brine systems” (Co-PI: Alex Sessions)
  • Co-Investigator, JPL Topical R&TD “Prebiotic and Microbial Bioindicators for Exoplanet                                                                                 2018-2020
  • Co-Investigator, JPL Topical R&TD “Developing an Electrochemistry-Based Geochemical                                                                             2018-2020
    Framework for Organic Systems”
  • Co-Investigator, JPL Spontaneous R&TD “Broadband Dielectric Characterization of                                                                                                     2019
    Water Inclusions in Evaporites at Martian Conditions”
  • Co-Investigator, JPL Topical R&TD “Planetary Habitability Test Beds”                                                                                                                     2017-2019
  • Principal Investigator, JPL  Spontaneous Concepts R&TD “Hypersaline Microbial Preservation                                                                               2018
    and Diversity from the Modern to the Permian for Future In-Situ Astrobiological Analyses”
  • Principal Investigator, JPL Spontaneous Concepts R&TD “Identification and Validation                                                                                 2016–2017
    of Biogenic Preservation within Minerals: Microbiological Techniques for Future Life Detection Missions”
  • Co-Principal Investigator, JPL Spontaneous Concepts R&TD “Assessing Current Astrobiology                                                                   2017–2018
    Capabilities at JPL” (Co-PI: Laurie Barge)
  • Co-Investigator, JPL Spontaneous Concepts R&TD “Dielectric Characterization of Evaporites                                                                                  2017
    Under Martian Conditions”


Publications (Books and Book Chapters)

  1. Perl, S. M. and Baxter, B.K. (2020) Great Salt Lake as an Astrobiology Analogue for Ancient Martian Hypersaline Aqueous Systems (In: Baxter B., Butler J. (eds) Great Salt Lake Biology. Springer, Cham) Print ISBN:  978-3-030-40351-5 Online ISBN: 978-3-030-40352-2


Publications (Journal Articles)

  1. Nisson, D.M., Walters, C., Chacon, M., Kieft, T.L., Rodgers, R., Sherwood Lollar, B., Warr, O., Castillo, J., Perl, S.M., Cason, E., Freifeld, B.M., Onstott, T.C. (2023, in-revision) Organic Matter Contributes to Limited Habitability in an Ancient, Thermal, and Radiogenic Subsurface Brine.

  2. Weber, J.M., Rodriguez, L.E., Cable, M.L., Ono, H., Ingham, M., Barge, L.M., Perl, S.M., Henderson, B.L., Marusiak, A., Chodas, M., Melwani-Daswani, M., Hosseini, S.S. (in-prep) Enceladus Vent Explorer (EVE) Mission Concept Study: Architecture Development based on Instrument Selection

  3. Perl, S.M., Celestian, A. J., Seuylemezian, A., Tasoff, P., Baxter, B.K., Vaishampayan, P.A., Corsetti, F.A. (2023, in-revision in Astrobiology) “Evaporitic Preservation of Modern Carotenoid Biomarkers and Halophilic Life in Martian Analogue Hypersaline Environments”

  4. Perl, S.M., Cockell, C.S., Celestian, A. J., Corsetti, F.A., Basu, C. (2023, in-revision in Astrobiology) “Quantifying abiogenic and biogenic breakdown within evaporite preservation environments”

  5. Perl, S.M., Murphy, A., Govindaraj, C., Santos, S.C., Glamoclija, M., Hoehler, T., Shkolyar, S., Cady, S.L., Blank, J., Davila, A.F., Cortez, P., Burgess, A., (2023, submitted to Astrobiology) Astrobiological Importance of Terrestrial Crystal Habits for Life Detection Measurements

  6. Davila, A.F., Hoehler, T., Parenteau, N., Neveu, M., Shkolyar, S., Des Marais, D.J., Cady, S.L., Rios, A., Bebout, L., Lau, G., Jahnke, L., Perl, S.M., Eigenbrode, J., Pohorille, A., Quinn, R. (2023, submitted to Astrobiology) Life Detection Knowledge Base: Taxonomy of Potential Biosignatures.

  7. Nisson, D.M., Kieft, T.L., Drake, H., Warr, O., Sherwood Lollar, B., Ogasawara, H., Perl, S.M., Friefeld, B.M., Castillo, J., Whitehouse, M.J. and Kooijman, E. (2023). Hydrogeochemical and isotopic signatures elucidate deep subsurface hypersaline brine formation through radiolysis driven water-rock interaction. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 340, 65-84.

  8. M.J. Hein, C. Basu, S.M. Perl (2022) Transcriptomic Analysis of Dunaliella salina Under Salt and UV Stresses. IN VITRO CELLULAR & DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY 58 (4), 688-689

  9. Dickson J., Martinez E., Pagano, J.J., Hudson, R., Perl, S.M., Barge, L.M. (2022) Incorporating Microbes into Laboratory-Grown Chimneys for Hydrothermal Microbiology Experiments. ACS Earth and Space Chemistry 2022 6 (4), 953-961. DOI: 10.1021/acsearthspacechem.1c00354

  10. Perl, S.M., Celestian, A.J., Cockell, C.S., Corsetti, F.A., Barge, L.M., Bottjer, D., Filiberto, J., Baxter, B.K., Kanik, I., Potter-McIntyre, S., Weber, J.M., Rodriguez, L.E., Daswani, M.M. (2021) A Proposed Geobiology-Driven Nomenclature for Astrobiological In Situ Observations and Sample Analyses. Volume 21, Number 7, 2021. Astrobiology. Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. DOI: 10.1089/ast.2020.2318

  11. Crandall, J.R.,  Filiberto, J.,  Castle, N., Potter-McIntyre, S.L., Schwenzer, S.P., Olsson-Francis, K., Perl, S.M. (2021)   Habitability of Martian Noachian Hydrothermal Systems as Constrained by a Terrestrial Analog on the Colorado Plateau. The Planetary Science Journal. vol24. (

  12. Weber, J. M., Henderson, B. L.; LaRowe, D. E., Goldman, A. G., Perl, S. M., Billings, K., Barge, L. M. (2021) Iron-sulfur minerals drive NAD+ reduction under prebiotic Earth conditions.” Astrobiology. vol22. ( 

  13. Perl, S.M. , Seuylemezian, A., Celestian, A. J., Baxter, B.K., Tasoff, P, Vaishampayan, P.A., Corsetti, F.A. (in-revision) “Evaporitic Preservation of Modern Carotenoid Biomarkers and Halophilic Life in Martian Analogue Hypersaline Environments”

  14. Perl, S.M., Adeli, S., Basu, C., Baxter, B.K., Bowman, J. Boyd, E., Cable, M., Celestian, A.J., Cockell, C.S., Corsetti, F.A., Craft, K.L., Engelhart, A., Fairen, A.G., Potter-McIntyre, S., Lynch, K., Schneegurt, M., Schwenzer, S., Shkolyar, S., Theiling, B., Wade, B., Zaloumis, J. (2020) Salty Environments: The importance of evaporites and brine environments as habitats and preservers of biosignatures. National Academy of Sciences, Planetary Science & Astrobiology Decadal Survey 2023-2032.

  15. Costello, L.J., Filiberto, J., Crandall, J.R., Potter-McIntyre, S.L., Schwenzer, S.P., Miller, M.A., Hummer, D.R., Karen Olsson-Francis, K., Perl, S. (2020) Habitability of hydrothermal systems at Jezero and Gusev Craters as constrained by hydrothermal alteration of a terrestrial mafic dike. Geochemistry  Volume 80, Issue 2, 125613, ISSN 0009-2819, (

  16. Cockell, C.S., Wilhelm, M.B., Perl, S.M. , Wadsworth, J., Payler, S., Palin, S., McMahon, S. (2020) “0.25 Ga salt deposits preserve geological signatures of habitable conditions and ancient lipids” Astrobiology Jul 2020.864-877. (Cover image of this issue is from our field site:

  17. Carrier B.L., Beaty D.W., Meyer M.A., Blank J.G., Chou L., DasSarma S., Des Marais D.J., Eigenbrode J.L., Grefenstette N., Lanza N.L., Schuerger A.C., Schwendner P., Smith H.D., Stoker C.R., Tarnas J.D., Webster K.D., Bakermans C., Baxter B.K., Bell M.S., Benner S.A., Bolivar Torres H.H., Boston P.J., Bruner R., Clark B.C., DasSarma P., Engelhart A.E., Gallegos Z.E., Garvin Z.K., Gasda P.J., Green J.H., Harris R.L., Hoffman M.E., Kieft T., Koeppel A.H.D., Lee P.A., Li X., Lynch K.L., Mackelprang R., Mahaffy P.R., Matthies L.H., Nellessen M.A., Newsom H.E., Northup D.E., O'Connor B.R.W., Perl S.M., Quinn R.C., Rowe L.A., Sauterey B., Schneegurt M.A., Schulze-Makuch D., Scuderi L.A., Spilde M.N., Stamenković V., Torres Celis J.A., Viola D., Wade B.D., Walker C.J., Wiens R.C., Williams A.J., Williams J.M., Xu J. (2020) Mars Extant Life: What's Next? Conference Report. Astrobiology, 27 May 2020, 20(6):785-814. DOI: 10.1089/ast.2020.223

  18. Hooks, M.R., Webster, P., Weber, J.M., Perl, S.M. , Barge, L.M. (2020) Effects of Amino Acids on Iron-Silicate Chemical Garden Precipitation Langmuir 36 (21), 5793-5801

  19. Seyler, L., Azua-Bustos, A., Lee, M., Marlow, J. Perl, S.M. , Kujawinski, E.B., Cleaves II, J.H. (2020) “Metabolomics as an Emerging Tool in the Search for Astrobiologically-Relevant Biomarkers” Astrobiology DOI: 10.1089/ast.2019.2135

  20. Chan, M. A., Bowen B. B., Corsetti F.A., Farrand W.H., Law E.S., Newsom, H. E., Perl S.M. , Spear J. R., Thompson D. R. (2019) “Exploring, Mapping, and Data Management Integration of Habitable Environments in Astrobiology” Front. Microbiol., 05 March 2019

  21. Cockell, C.S, Holt, J., Campbell, J., Perl, S.M. and 46 others (2018). “Subsurface scientific exploration of extraterrestrial environments (MINAR 5): Analogue science, technology and education in the Boulby Mine, UK.” International Journal of Astrobiology, 1-26. doi:10.1017/S1473550418000186

  22. Kanik, I. and Perl, S.M. (in-review) In Search of Biosignatures on Planetary Bodies: Mars, Europa, and Enceladus.

  23. Perl, S.M. , Celestian, A. J., Baxter, B.K., Corsetti, F.A. (in prep) Quantifying abiogenic and biogenic breakdown within evaporite preservation environments.

  24. Perl, S.M. , Cockell, C.S., Celestian, A. J., Seuylemezian, A., Baxter, B.K., Corsetti, F.A. (in prep) Permian evaporitic preservation from the Zechstein formation”

  25. Perl, S.M. , McLennan, S.M., Herkenhoff, K.E., and the Athena Science Team (in prep) Secondary porosity in the Burns Formation, Meridiani Planum, Mars: Constraints on an infiltrating paleowater table.


Publications (Abstracts)

  1. Perl, S.M., Cockell, C.S., Celestian, A.C., Javier, B.J., Basu, C. (2023) Rate-Dependent Preservation of Psychrotolerant Halophiles within Cryobrine Systems. 15-18, May, 2023, Brines Across the Solar System: Ancient and Future Brines. Reno, Nevada

  2. Javier, B.M., Perl, S.M., Basu, C., Fischer, W., Celestian, A.J. (2023) Biosignature Preservation Potential of Li-Containing Hypersaline Environments. 15-18, May, 2023, Brines Across the Solar System: Ancient and Future Brines. Reno, Nevada

  3. Valera, J.R., Santoro, A.E., Perl, S.M., Cockell, C.S. (2023) Nitrous Oxide Production and Biogenic Gas Preservation in Modern, Pleistocene, and Permian halite minerals. 15-18, May, 2023, Brines Across the Solar System: Ancient and Future Brines. Reno, Nevada

  4. Robinson, A., McQuaig-Ulrich, S., Dondero, T., Perl, S.M. (2023) Anaerobic Growth and Raman Analysis of Haloferax volcanii in the Presence of Perchlorate. 15-18, May, 2023, Brines Across the Solar System: Ancient and Future Brines. Reno, Nevada

  5. Garner, M., Perl, S.M., Xia, C., Foreman, C. (2023) Characterizing Physical and Chemical Stability of Solid-State Nanopores in Planetary Relevant Brine Solutions. 15-18, May, 2023, Brines Across the Solar System: Ancient and Future Brines. Reno, Nevada

  6. Nisson, D.M., Perl, S.M., Kieft, T.L., Hernandez, J.C., Onstott, T.C. (2023) Radiolytic Support for Oxidative Metabolisms in Low Biomass Ancient Brines. 15-18, May, 2023, Brines Across the Solar System: Ancient and Future Brines. Reno, Nevada

  7. Perl, S.M., Celestian, A.J., Cockell, C.S., Corsetti, F.A., Basu, C., Nisson, D.M., Garner, M., Valera, J., Javier, B.M. (2023) Microbial Pigment Robustness in Martian and Ocean Worlds Brines and Evaporites. 54th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, held virtually, 13-17 March, 2023. LPI Contribution No. 2434

  8. Javier, B.M., Perl, S.M., C. Basu, W. Fischer, A. J. Celestian (2023) Detection and Preservation of Extremophile Biosignatures in Li-Bearing Evaporites for Life Detection. 54th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, held virtually, 13-17 March, 2023. LPI Contribution No. 2825

  9. Cortez, P. and Perl, S.M. (2023) Astrobiological Assessments of Geobiological Features within Habitable Environments: Developing the Geobiological Handbook of Measurements for Life Detection. 54th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, held virtually, 13-17 March, 2023. LPI Contribution No. 2334

  10. Sapers, H.M., Mustard, J.F., Plesa, A-C., Spohn, T., Knapmeyer-Endrun, B., Perl, S.M., Hao, J., Michalski, J., Magnabosco, C., Miljkovic, K., Paardekooper, D., Pan, D., Sherwood Lollar, B., Vijendran, S., Wang, F., Westall, F., Zacny, K. (2023) Scientific Rationale for Exploration of the Marian Subsurface. 54th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, held virtually, 13-17 March, 2023. LPI Contribution No. 2684

  11. Mustard, J. F., Sapers, H.M., Plesa, A-C., Spohn, T., Hao, J., Knapmeyer-Endrun, B., Michalski, J., Magnabosco, C.,, Miljkovic, K.,  Paardekooper, D., Pan, D., Perl, S.M., Sherwood-Lollar, B., Wang, F., Westall, F., Zacny, K. (2023) Meeting the Challenges of Measurements in the Martian Subsurface. 54th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, held virtually, 13-17 March, 2023. LPI Contribution No. 2208

  12. Baharier, B., Semprich, J., Olsson-Francis, K., Potter-McIntyre, S.L., Crandall, J.R., Filiberto, J., Perl, S.M., Schwenzer, S.P. (2023) Terrestrial Aqueously Altered Magmatic Dike Forming Sulfate-Rich Hydrothermal Fluids to Constrain Martian Habitability. 54th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, held virtually, 13-17 March, 2023. LPI Contribution No. 1555

  13. Wilhelm, M.B., and the Abzu team (including Perl, S.M.) (2023) Abzu: A Mission to Uncover the Origin of Ancient Organics on Mars in situ. NASA Science Mission Directorate, Technology Showcase for Future NASA Planetary Science Missions, Moody Gardens, Galveston TX

  14. Karunatillake, S., Lorenzo, J., Lujendra, O., Perl, S.M., Mesick, K., Niles, P., and the Gangotri team (2023) Gangotri mission concept on the glacial key to the Amazonian climate of Mars. NASA Science Mission Directorate, Technology Showcase for Future NASA Planetary Science Missions, Moody Gardens, Galveston TX

  15. Perl, S.M., Nisson, D. M., Onstott, T.C. (2022) Detections and Validations of Single Cell Microorganism Preservation and Associated Biosignature Activity. Astrobiology Science Conference 2022, Atlanta, GA. in Detecting Life and Habitable Environments on Mars: A Synthesis of Applied, Analog, Experimental and Theoretical Approaches I Oral. Abstract #203-02

  16. Basu, C. and Perl, S.M. (2022) Metagenomic analysis of extremophile microbes collected from the Great Salt Lake planetary analog site and use of model microbes in astrobiological studies. Astrobiology Science Conference 2022, Atlanta, GA. Abstract #319-05

  17. Weber, J.M., Henderson, B.L., LaRowe, D., Goldman, A.D., Perl, S.M., Billings, K., Barge, L.M. (2022) Investigation of Prebiotic Metabolic Redox Reactions Involving Cofactors NAD+ and Ubiquinone. Astrobiology Science Conference 2022, Atlanta, GA. Abstract # 4216-05

  18. Marlin, T.C., Weber, J.M., Sheppard, R.Y., Perl, S.M., Barge, L.M. (2022) Chemical gardens as analogs for prebiotic chemistry on ocean worlds. Astrobiology Science Conference 2022. Atlanta, GA. Abstract #403-03

  19. Rodriguez, L.E., Yanchilina, A.G., Perl, S.M., Simon, K.H., Eshelman, E.J., Sudlik, C., Pochettino, O., Kelley, D.S., Sobron, P.S., Barge, L.M. (2022) Considerations of Pulsed Raman Spectroscopy for the Analysis of Ocean World Analog Samples. 53rd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, held 7-11 March, 2022 at The Woodlands, Texas. LPI Contribution No. 2678, 2022, id.2805

  20. Nisson, D. Kieft, T.L., Hernandez, J.C., Perl, S.M., Stepanauskas, R., Warr, O., Lollar, B.S., Yokochi, R., Chmiel, G., Caffee, M., Liebenberg, B., Onstott, T.C. (2021) Influence of Alpha Particle Radiolysis on the Formation and Microbial Metabolic Composition of a Deep Subsurface Hypersaline Brine in the Witwatersrand Basin, South Africa. AGU Fall Meeting 2021

  21. Perl, S.M., Celestian, A.J., Cockell, C.S., Basu, C., Filiberto, J., Potter-McIntyre, S., Olsson-Francis, K., Schwenzer, S.P., Crandall, J.R., Baxter, B.K., Onstott, T.C., Bowman, J., Bywaters, K., Winzler, M., Valera, J., Cooper, Z., Nisson, C. (2021) Preservation of Dynamic Biological Processes from Extant Halophilic Life: In-Situ Lessons Learned from Planetary Analogue Brines and Evaporites. Brines in the Solar System: Modern Brines, held virtually, 25-28 October, 2021. LPI Contribution No. 2614, id.6048

  22. Karunatillake, S., Hood, D., Barbato, A., Vithanage, M., Chandrajith, R., Perl, S.M., Lorenzo, J., Oze, C., Williams, A., Malaviarachchi, S. P. K., Dharmapriya, P. L.(2021) Sri Lanka's Serpentine Zone as a Mars Analog Site. Workshop on Terrestrial Analogs for Planetary Exploration, held virtually 16-18 June, 2021. LPI Contribution No. 2595, 2021, id.8088

  23. Winzler, M. L., Perl, S. M., Cockell, C. S., Pailing, S. (2021) Evaluation of Brine Concentration Efficacies for Nucleic Acid Preservation. Brines in the Solar System: Modern Brines, held virtually, 25-28 October, 2021. LPI Contribution No. 2614, id.6050

  24. Baharier, B., Semprich, J., Filiberto, J., Potter-McIntyre, S.L., Olsson-Francis, K., Perl, S.M., Crandall, J.R., Schwenzer, S.P. (2021) Sulphate-Rich Sediments in Direct Contact with a Magmatic Intrusion Potential to Form a Habitable Geothermal Brine on Earth and Mars. Brines in the Solar System: Modern Brines, held virtually, 25-28 October, 2021. LPI Contribution No. 2614, id.6027

  25. Cockell, C.S., Paling, S.S., Martin-Torres, J., Perl, S.M. and MINAR participants (2021) Analog Science and Technology in Deep Subsurface Evaporites: The MINAR (Mine Analog Research) Project, Boulby Mine, UK. Terrestrial Analogs 2021 (LPI Contrib. No. 2595) 8059.pdf

  26. Baharier, B., Semprich, J., Olsson-Francis, K., Crandall, J.R., Filiberto, J., Potter-McIntyre, S.L., Perl, S.M., Schwenzer, S.P. (2021) Reaction Path Reconstruction of a Magmatic Intrusion into Sulfate-Rich Sediments to Constrain Habitability Potential on early Earth and Mars. 52nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, held virtually, 15-19 March, 2021. LPI Contribution No. 2548, id.1284

  27. J. Weber, M. Hooks, S.M. Perl, P. Webster, L.M. Barge (2020) Effects of Organics on Chemical Garden Structures Relevant to Planetary Environments. AGU Fall Meeting 2020. P024-0007.

  28. Perl, S.M. & Melwani Daswani M. (2020) Groundwater Upwelling Occludes Pores Compared to Top-Down Infiltration at the Burns Formation, Mars.  Goldschmidt 14g: Plenary Hall.

  29. Filiberto, J., Costello, L. J., Crandall, J. R.; Potter-McIntyre, S. L., Schwenzer, S. P., Hummer, D. R., Olsson-Francis, K., Perl, S.M. , Miller, M. A., Castle, N. (2020) Habitability of Noachian Hydrothermal Systems as Constrained by Alteration of a Mafic Dike. 51st Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, held 16-20 March, 2020 at The Woodlands, Texas. LPI Contribution No. 2326, 2020, id.1426

  30. Weber, J. M., Hooks, M. R., Webster, P., Barge, L. M.,  Perl, S. (2020) Investigating the Effects of Organic Compounds on Inorganic Structures Relevant to Planetary Environments. 51st Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, held 16-20 March, 2020 at The Woodlands, Texas. LPI Contribution No. 2326, 2020, id.1040

  31. Potter-McIntyre, S., Filiberto, J., Schwenzer, S., Crandall, J., Perl S.M. , Baharier, B. (2020) New insight into spheroidal iron (oxyhydr)oxide concretion formation models: Diagenetic concretion nucleation associated with neutral fluids from a mafic intrusion. 22nd EGU General Assembly, held online 4-8 May, 2020, id.2104. 

  32. Barge, L. M., Weber, J. M., Flores, E., Fraeman, A. A., Jones, J.-P., Martinez, E., Perl, S. M. (2020) Investigating Abiotic Nitrogen Reactions with Organics in Mars-Relevant Iron Mineral Systems.  51st Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, held 16-20 March, 2020 at The Woodlands, Texas. LPI Contribution No. 2326, 2020, id.2085

  33. Perl, S.M. , Baxter, B.K., Celestian, A.J. (2019) “Hypersaline and Sedimentological Advantages on the Preservation of Extant Biological Activity in Modern Martian Analogue Settings” Mars Extant Life: What’s Next? LPI Contri. No. 2108. Lunar and Planetary Institute. Abstract #5031

  34. Perl, S.M. , Baxter, B.K., Celestian, A.J., Cockell, C.S., Sessions, A.L., Tasoff, P., Crucilla. S.J., Corsetti, F.A. (2019) Photobiology and Biogenic Preservation Comparisons between Pleistocene Evaporite Beds and Buried Permian Brines. The First Billion Years: Habitability LPI Contrib. No. 2134. Abstract #1034. Lunar and Planetary Institute

  35. Barge L., Jones J.-P., Sobron P., Perl S., Chin K. (2019) Studying Habitability of Redox-Active Hydrothermal Systems on Earth and Ocean Worlds. Goldschmidt Abstracts, 194

  36. Filiberto, J. Costello, L.J., Crandall, J.R., Potter-McIntyre, S.L., Schwenzer, S.P., Hummer, D.R., Olsson-Francis, K., Perl, S. , Miller, M.A., Castle, N. (2019) The First Billion Years: Habitability LPI Contrib. No. 2134. Abstract #1013. Lunar and Planetary Institute (LPI)

  37. Tasoff, P., Perl, S.M., Chin, K.B., Desai, P., Cockell, C.S. (2019) Survivability of Chemotrophic Microorganisms in Martian-Analogue Water Activities. The First Billion Years: Habitability LPI Contrib. No. 2134 Abstract #1029. Lunar and Planetary Institute (LPI)

  38. Perl, S.M. , Filiberto, J., Olsson-Francis, K., Potter-McIntyre, S.L. , Schwenzer, S.P., Crandall, J.R. (2019) Organic and Biomarker Detection Techniques for Hydrothermal Alterations in Sandstone Layers within the Colorado Plateau. The First Billion Years: Habitability LPI Contrib. No. 2134 Abstract #1024. LPI.

  39. Crucilla, S.J., Perl, S.M. Lindensmith, C.A., Nadeau, J., Sun, H. (2019) Preservation Features from Ice and Brines on Non-Radiation Tolerant Microbes in Europa-like Conditions. The First Billion Years: Habitability LPI Contrib. No. 2134. Abstract #1028. LPI.

  40. Kataria, T., Perl, S.M. , Chen, P. Barge, L.M. Yung, Y.L., Adams, D., Dick, S. Li, M. (2019) A laboratory-to-model approach to understanding exoplanet biosignatures. Extreme Solar Systems IV Reykjavik, Iceland

  41. Perl. S.M. , Baxter, B.K., Celestian, A.J. (2019) Mineral Preservation and Photoprotective Attributes of Halophilic Bacteria and Archaea in Modern and Permian lakebed environments. Halophiles 2019 . Studia Universitatis Babes, Bolyai, Biologia, 64, 1. 12th Conference on Halophilic Microorganisms, Cluj-Napoca, Romania

  42. Perl, S.M. , Baxter, B.K., Celestian, A.J., Cockell, C.S., Sessions, A.L., Tasoff, P., Crucilla, S.J., Corsetti, F.A. (2019) Mineral preservation and photoprotective attributes of halophilic organisms in planetary analogue lake bed environments. Astrobiology Science Conference , Abstract #479957 Bellevue, Washington.

  43. Cady, S.L., Carrizo, D., Sánchez-García, L., Sobron, P., Perl, S.M., Demergasso, C., Kendall, S.L., Celestian, A.J., Sarrazin, P., Cabrol, N.A. and Chong, G. (2019) The Relevance of Hydrothermal Spherules in Astrobiological Exploration of Rocky Planets. Astrobiology Science Conference , Abstract #482381 Bellevue, Washington.

  44. Filiberto, J., Costello, L., Crandall, J., Potter-McIntyre, S.L., Schwenzer, S.P., Hummer, D.R., Olsson-Francis, K., Perl, S.M. (2019) Habitability During In Situ Alteration of a Mafic Dike as an Analog for Martian Hydrothermal Processes. Astrobiology Science Conference Abstract #478607 Bellevue, Washington.

  45. Crucilla, S.J., Perl, S.M. , Lindensmith, C., Nadeau, J.L., Sun, H.J. (2019) Effect of Radiation on Terrestrial Bacteria in Europa-Like Conditions. Astrobiology Science Conference Abstract #480668 Bellevue, Washington.

  46. Barge, L.M., Jones, J.-P., Perl, S.M., Hermis, N., Krause, F.C., and Billings, K. (2019) Geoelectrochemical Systems Supporting Life and its Origin on Early Earth and Ocean Worlds. Astrobiology Science Conference , Abstract #478122 Bellevue, Washington.

  47. Wilhelm, M.B., Cockell, C.S., Perl, S.M. , Wadsworth, J., Payler, S., Paling, S.M., Edwards, T., McMahon, S.(2019) Lipid Biomarker Content in 0.25 Ga Boulby Mine Salt Deposit & Implications for Mars. Astrobiology Science Conference, Abstract #479520 Bellevue, Washington.

  48. Chin, K. Hermis, N. Perl, S.M. , Pasalic, J., Barge, L.M. (2019) Electrochemical Properties Characterization of Planetary Analogues by Electrical Spectroscopy. Astrobiology Science Conference , Abstract #480547 Bellevue, Washington.

  49. Tasoff, P., Perl, S.M. , Chin, K. (2019) Survivability of Chemolithotrophic Microorganisms in Martian Analogue Water Activities. Astrobiology Science Conference , Abstract #478299 Bellevue, Washington.

  50. Perl, S.M. , Lindensmith, C.A., Nadeau, J. Cockell, C.S., Bedrossian, M., Serabyn, E., Wallace, J.K., Zareh, S.K.G., Rider, S. (2019) Quantifying Extant Life and Microbial Community Preservation within Icy Brine and Evaporite Environments. 50th Lunar and Planetary Science , Abstract # 2899, Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston

  51. Barge, L.M., Flores, E., Perl, S.M. , VanderVelde, D., Baum, M.M. (2019) Abiotic Organic Synthesis and Product Distributions in Mars Analogue Iron Mineral Systems. 50th Lunar and Planetary Science , Abstract # 1439, Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston

  52. Perl, S.M. , Celestian, A.J., Baxter, B.K., Tasoff, P. (2019) Chemical Biomarker Robustness in Martian Analogue Evaporite Mineralogy. 50th Lunar and Planetary Science , Abstract # 2930, Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston

  53. Hermis, N. Barge, L.M., LeBlanc, G. Perl, S.M. , Chin, K. (2018) Simulation of Prebiotic Early Earth Hydrothermal Chimney Systems in a Thermal Gradient Environment. AGU Fall Meeting P33G-3914 in Analogue Studies of Gradient Systems Relevant to Astrobiology on Ocean Worlds and Mars I Posters. Washington, D.C.

  54. Major, J., Barge, L.M., Perl, S.M. , Theiling, B.P., Fraeman, A., Flores, E., VanderVelde, D. (2018) Manganese Hydroxides and Their Role in Phosphorus Nutrient Cycling on Mars. AGU Fall Meeting P33G-3914 in Analogue Studies of Gradient Systems Relevant to Astrobiology on Ocean Worlds and Mars I Posters. Washington, D.C.

  55. Chin, K., Hermis, N., Pasalic, J., Perl, S.M. , Barge, L.M. (2018) Creative Instrumentation for in-situ electrochemical characterization of geochemical gradients in planetary minerals. Committee on Space Research (COSPAR) conference , Pasadena, CA.

  56. Perl, S.M. , Celestian, A.J., Tasoff, P., Seuylemezian, A., Cockell, C.S., Baxter, B.K., Vaishampayan, P.A., Corsetti, F.A. (2018) Permian evaporite preservation of chemical biomarkers: Implications for in-situ hydrated mineral and hypersaline brine systems. Committee on Space Research (COSPAR) conference , in Biosignatures in the Solar System session. Pasadena, CA.

  57. Perl, S. M. , Celestian, A. J., Vaishampayan, P. A., Seuylemezian, A., Mahseredjian, M., Baxter, B.K., and Corsetti, F. A. (2017) Geobiological Comparisons of Preservation Potential within Hypersaline Mineral-Microbe Systems. American Geophysical Union Fall meeting 293234 in P019-Investigating mineral-organic interactions relevant to astrobiological systems on Mars and other planetary bodies.

  58. Perl, S. M. , Vaishampayan, P. A., Corsetti, F. A., Seuylemezian, A., Baxter, B. K., Butler, J., Tuite, M. L., Williford, K. W., Ehlmann, B. L., Bhartia, R. (2017) Quantifying the Threshold of Organic Detections in Evaporites: Constraining Martian Biosignature Preservation. Astrobiology Science Conference 2017 , Mesa, AZ,

  59. Perl, S. M. , Vaishampayan, P. A., Corsetti, F. A., Piazza, O., Ahmed, M., Willis, P., Creamer, J. S., Williford, K. W., Flannery, D. T., Tuite, M. L., Ehlmann, B. L., Bhartia, R., Baxter, B. K., Butler, J., Hodyss, R., Berelson, W. M., Nealson, K. H. (2016) Identification and Validation of Biogenic Preservation: Defining Constraints Within Martian Mineralogy. Biosignature Preservation and Detection in Mars Analog Environments , Lake Tahoe, Nevada. LPI #2026

  60. Perl, S.M. , Corsetti, F.A., Piazza, O., Bhartia, R., Rowe, A.R., Allwood, A.C., Vaishampayan, P.A., Berelson, W.M., Nealson, K.H. (2015) Identification and Validation of Biogenic Preservation Within Minerals: Comparing Results from In-Situ Mars Analogue Sites and Rover Instruments. Astrobiology Science Conference 2015 , Abstract #7507, LPI.

  61. Perl, S.M. , Corsetti, F.A., Berelson, W.M., Nealson, K.H., Bhartia, R. (2014) Laboratory Simulations of Permeability Pertaining to Biosignature Development and Preservation Potential for Martian Subsurface Habitability. Reconstructing Habitable Environments on Ancient Mars II. American Geophysical Union , Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA.

  62. Perl, S.M. , Corsetti, F.A., Berelson, W.M., Nealson, K.H., Bhartia, R., Vance, S. (2014) Experimental Constraints on Martian Aqueous Environments and Biosignature Preservation: Simulating Fluid Flow Profiles and Microbial Development in the Shallow Subsurface. Eighth International Conference on Mars , Abstract #1157, Lunar & Planetary Inst.

  63. Perl, S.M. , McLennan, S.M., Herkenhoff, K.E., Berelson, W.M., Corsetti, F.A., Nealson, K.H., and the Athena Science Team (2013) Preservation Potential of Organic Matter in Secondary Porosity of the Burns Formation, Meridiani Planum, Mars. Lunar and Planetary Science XLIV , Abstract # 2370, Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston (CD-ROM).

  64. Perl, S.M. , McLennan, S.M., and the Athena Science Team (2012) Constraints on Permeability Resulting from Secondary Porosity in the Burns Formation, Meridiani Planum, Mars. American Geophysical Union , San Francisco, CA.

  65. Perl, S.M. , DeLaurentis, D.A., Caldwell, B.C., Crossley, W.A. (2009) Adapting system-of-systems engineering for the advancement of the Mars Exploration Program. Lunar and Planetary Science XL , Abstract #1911, LPI, Houston.

  66. Perl, S.M. , McLennan, S.M., and the Athena Science Team (2008) Comparison of secondary porosity and permeability from Eagle to Victoria craters, Meridiani Planum, Mars. Lunar and Planetary Science XXXIX , Abstract #2246, Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston (CD-ROM).

  67. Perl, S.M. , McLennan, S.M., Grotzinger, J.P., Herkenhoff, K.E., and the Athena Science Team (2007) Sedimentological constraints on an infiltrating paleowater table in the Burns Formation, Meridiani Planum, Mars. Seventh International Conference on Mars , Abstract #3298, Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston (CD-ROM).

  68. Perl, S.M. , McLennan, S.M., Grotzinger, J.P., Herkenhoff, K.E., and the Athena Science Team (2007) Volumes and orientation of secondary porosity in the Burns formation, Meridiani Planum, Mars. Lunar and Planetary Science XXXVIII , Abstract #2226, Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston (CD-ROM).

  69. Perl, S.M. , McLennan, S.M., Grotzinger, J.P., Johnson, J.R., Clark, B.C., and the Athena Science Team (2006) Secondary porosity classification and analysis of the Burns formation, Meridiani Planum, Mars, Lunar and Planetary Science XXXVII , Abstract #2164, Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston (CD-ROM).

  70. Perl, S.M. , McLennan, S.M., Hahn, B.C., and the Athena Science Team (2005) Grain size analyses of sedimentary rocks from the Meridiani Planum, Mars, URECA Collected Abstracts 2004-2005 , State University of New York, Stony Brook, NY.


Selected Fieldwork and Expeditions

  • Juneau Icefield Research Program, Ocean Worlds Reconnaissance & Characterization of                                           2023,2024
    Astrobiology Analogs (ORCAA)
  • MINAR X, Boulby Underground Laboratory, England (Zechstein Form.), UK Centre for Astrobiology                                     2022
  • MINAR 8, Boulby Underground Laboratory, England (Zechstein Form.), UK Centre for Astrobiology                                     2020
  • Salado formation, Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP), New Mexico, United States                                                                   2019
  • Green River Basin, Colorado Plateau, UT, USA                                                                                                                                  2019
  • MINAR 6, Boulby Underground Laboratory, England (Zechstein Form.), UK Centre for Astrobiology                                     2018
  • Great Salt Lake, Ogden, UT, USA                                                                                                                                               2013-2016
  • Death Valley, CA, USA (Crystal Springs Formation, Johnnie Formation, Noonday)                                              2014, 2016, 2018
  • Mojave Desert, CA, USA                                                                                                                                                             2016-2018
  • MINAR 5, Boulby Underground Laboratory, England (Zechstein Form.), UK Centre for Astrobiology                                     2017
  • Waimangu Volcanic Valley and Taupo Volcanic Zone hot springs, Rotorua, New Zealand                                                      2015
  • Rio Tinto Basin, (Minas de Rio Tinto), Seville, Spain                                                                                                                        2014
  • Cretaceous/Tertiary (K-T boundary), Zumaia, near Chapel of San Telmo, Basque Costal Region, Spain                               2014
  • Little Hot Creek (Long Valley, CA, USA) and Walker Lake (Reno, NV, USA)                                                                                  2014


Educational Outreach and Teaching

  • Whitby Museum, Part of the MINAR X Science Campaign                                                                                                             2022

                Invited Public Lecture: “The Biology of Biosignatures on subsurface Mars and Ocean Worlds”


  • Westminster College, Astrobiology Lecture (BIOL-303)                                                                                                                  2021

                 Invited Lecture: “Primer on Mars Sedimentology and Potential Geobiology for  Extinct and Extant Life”

  • National Science Foundation, Bridge To The Geosciences, NASA-JPL module                                                                2019


  • Los Angeles Natural History Museum, Research & Collections Seminar Series                                                              2018
           Invited Talk : “Constraining Mineral-Microbial Interactions within Martian Analogue
                                 Evaporitic Preservation Environments”

  • National Science Foundation, Bridge To The Geosciences, NASA-JPL module                                                              2018
    Invited Speaker : “Perspectives on Mars Exploration: Astrobiology, Habitability, and Geobiology”

  • National Science Foundation, Bridge To The Geosciences (BTTG), Catalina Island module                                          2018

  • Career Day, STEM career event Colton-Redlands-Yucaipa Regional Occupation Program                                            2017

  • The Science & Application of Life Detection, University of Southern California                                                                2012
    Invited Speaker : “Science mission of the Mars Science Laboratory and the future of Mars astrobiology”

  • School of Aeronautics & Astronautics, Purdue University                                                                                                  2009
    Guest Speaker : “Science Investigation Overview from the Mars Exploration Rover mission”

  • Science & Society SSO-102 “Exploration of the Solar System”, SUNY Stony Brook                                                        2006
    Guest speaker : “A day in the life of a Mission Scientist”

  • Undergraduate Research & Creative Activities (URECA) Celebration Day, SUNY Stony Brook                              2005-2008

  • College of Engineering & Applied Sciences – Exam Preparation Program, SUNY Stony Brook                                      2004
    Instructor Calculus I (MAT-131), Calculus A (MAT-125), Calculus B (MAT-126)

White Papers and Scientific Reports

  • Study Lead, “The Biology of Biosignature Detection”, California Institute of Technology,                                           2023-2024
    Keck Institute of Space Sciences (KISS)                       

                   -Generated a two-year study proposal entitled “The Biology of Biosignature Detection” that will generate
                    and apply a geobiological-driven framework for return sample analyses and  in-situ biological
                     validation campaigns.

                   -Bridges the current science gap between current “life detection” strategies into biological validation

                   -External KISS Study Lead is Charles Cockell (Uni. of Edinburgh), Caltech KISS Lead is Woody Fischer.

  • Member, International Space Science Institute: New Mars Life Underground, Bern, Switzerland                               2022-2023

                  -Part of the ~15 member international group led by John Mustard (Brown University) to determine
                   the potential for subsurface microbial extant life on Mars, the in-situ science investigations needed
                   to determine biogenicity, and potential pathways to access that evidence.

  • Steering Group Member, Mars Exploration Program Analysis Group (MEPAG), Mars                                                  2022-2023
            Concurrent Exploration Science Analysis Group (MCE-SAG)

                  -Determining in-parallel Mars discipline science for missions and science investigations during the 
                   period prior to and after Mars Sample Return (MSR) campaigns

  • Community Report from the Biosignatures Standards of Evidence Workshop (2022) Victoria Meadows (University of Washington), Heather Graham (NASA-GFCS), Victor Abrahamsson (JPL NASA), Zach Adam (Arizona University), Elena Amador-French (JPL NASA/Caltech), Giada Arney (NASA-GSFC), Laurie Barge (JPL NASA), Erica Barlow (UNSW/PSU), Anamaria Berea (George Mason University), Maitrayee Bose (Arizona State University), Dina Bower (University of Maryland, College Park/NASA-GSFC), Marjorie Chan (University of Utah), Jim Cleaves (Carnegie Institution for Science), Andrea Corpolongo (University of Cincinnati), Miles Currie (University of Washington), Shawn Domagal-Goldman (NASA-GSFC), Chuanfei Dong (Princeton University), Jennifer Eigenbrode (NASAGSFC), Allison Enright (U. New Brusnwick), Thomas J. Fauchez (NASA-GSFC), Martin Fisk (Oregon State University-Emeritus), Matthew Fricke (University of New Mexico), Yuka Fujii (National Astronomical Observatory of Japan), Andrew Gangidine (US Naval Labs), Eftal Gezer (Gebze Technical University), Daniel Glavin (NASA-GSFC), John Lee Grenfell (DLR-Germany), Sonny Harman (NASA-Ames), Roland Hatzenpichler (Montana University), Libby Hausrath, (University of Nevada, Las Vegas), Bryana Henderson (NASA JPL/Caltech), Sarah Stewart Johnson (Georgetown University), Andrea Jones (NASAGSFC), Trinity Hamilton (University of Minnesota), Keyron Hickman-Lewis (Natural History Museum, London), Linda Jahnke (NASA-Ames), Sarah Stewart Johnson (Georgetown University), Betul Kacar (University of Arizona), Ravi Kopparapu (NASA-GSFC), Christopher Kempes (Santa Fe Institute), Adrienne Kish (Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle), Joshua Krissansen-Totton (UC Santa Cruz), Wil Leavitt (Dartmouth), Yu Komatsu (National Astronomical Observatory of Japan), Tim Lichtenberg (University of Oxford), Melody Lindsay (Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences), Catherine Maggiori (McGill University), David Marais (NASA-Ames), Cole Mathis (Santa Fe Institute, Arizona State University), Yuki Morono (Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology), Marc Neveu (University of Maryland/NASA-GSFC), Grace Ni (University of Maryland), Conor Nixon (NASA-GSFC), Stephanie Olson (Purdue University), Niki Parenteau (NASA-Ames), Scott Perl (JPL NASA), Richard Quinn (SETI institute), Chinmayee Raj (Georgia Institute of Technology), Laura Rodriguez (JPL NASA), Lindsay Rutter (University of Tsukuba), McCullen Sandora (University of Southern Denmark), Britney Schmidt (Cornell University), Eddie Schwieterman (UC-Riverside), Antigona Segura (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México), Fatih Şekerci (Istanbul Technical University), Lauren Seyler (Stockton University), Harrison Smith (Earth-Life Science Institute), Georgia Soares (University of New South Wales Sydney), Sanjoy Som (NASA-Ames), Shino Suzuki (JAXA), Bonnie Teece (University of New South Wales), Jessica Weber (JPL NASA), Felisa Wolfe Simon(Independent consultant), Michael Wong (University of Washington), Hajime Yano (JAXA).

  • National Academy of Sciences - Planetary Science & Astrobiology Decadal Survey 2023-2032 - Salty Environments: The importance of evaporites and brine environments as habitats and preservers of biosignatures (2020) Scott Perl (Lead) , Solmaz Adeli (German Aerospace Center), Chhandak Basu (California State Uni. Northridge), Bonnie K. Baxter (Great Salt Lake Institute, Westminster College), Jeff Bowman (Scripps Institution of Oceanography), Eric Boyd (Montana State University), Morgan Cable (NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory), Aaron J. Celestian (Los Angeles Natural History Museum), Charles S. Cockell (University of Edinburgh), Frank A. Corsetti (University of Southern California), Kate L. Craft (Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory), Aaron Engelhart (University of Minnesota), Alberto G. Fairen (Centro de Astrobiologia), Suniti Karunatillake (Louisiana State University), Sally Potter-McIntyre (Southern Illinois University Carbondale), Frances Rivera-Hernandez (Georgia Institute of Technology), Kennda Lynch (Lunar and Planetary Institute, USRA), Mark Schneegurt (Wichita State University), Susanne Schwenzer (The Open University), Svetlana Shkolyar (USRA / NASA Goddard Space Flight Center), Bethany Theiling (NASA Goddard Space Flight Center), Brian Wade (Michigan State University), Jon Zaloumis (Arizona State University) and 29 Co-Signers.  National Academy of Sciences - Planetary Science & Astrobiology Decadal Survey 2023-2032

  • Mars Extant Life: What’s Next? Salts, Brines, and Evaporites Group Conference Report (2019) Bonnie K. Baxter-Clark, Steven Benner, Robert B. Bruner, Benjamin Brunner, Benton Clark, Priya DasSarma, Shiladitya DasSarma (Lead), Aaron Engelhart, Kennda Lynch, Larry H. Matthies, Scott M. Perl , Dirk Schulze-Makuch, Heather D. Smith, and Jie Xu. S.D.

  • National Academy of Sciences - Astrobiology Science Strategy for the Search for Life in the Universe (2018) “Seeking the origins of aqueous life on Titan” M. L. Cable (Lead), J. I. Lunine, J. H. Waite, C. R. Glein, C. Porco, L. J. Spilker, J. Baross, M. Malaska, F. Postberg, S. Kempf, S. M. Perl , B. Teolis, T. Brockwell, R. Blase, S. Bolton, J. Eiler, R. Hodyss, S. Hsu, J. Schmidt, R. Srama, B. Southworth, B. Abel, M. Darrach, L. M. Barge, S. Hörst, S. Madzunkov, P. Wurz, B. Clark, E. Shock, M. Manga, W. McKinnon, M. Neveu, J. Brucato, C. Sotin, T. Spilker, K. Hand, L. Aluwihare, A. Anbar, J. Huber, S. Lang, M. Sephton, C. R. German, P. Girguis

  • National Academy of Sciences - Astrobiology Science Strategy for the Search for Life in the Universe (2018) “Enceladus: A Review of Recent Discoveries” Morgan L. Cable (Lead), Catherine D. Neish, Michael J. Malaska, Shannon MacKenzie, Conor A. Nixon, Robert Hodyss, Alex Hayes, Jonathan I. Lunine, Ralph D. Lorenz, Scott Perl , Sarah Hörst, Kevin P. Hand, Elizabeth P. Turtle, Jason W. Barnes, Christopher R. Glein, Melissa G. Trainer, Christophe Sotin, Rosaly Lopes, B. Stiles, R. Kirk, Karl A. Hibbits


Service to the Scientific Community

  • Session Chair, American Geophysical Union “P019: Investigating mineral-organic interactions                                          2017
    relevant to astrobiological systems on Mars and other planetary bodies” with Laurie Barge
    (Caltech/NASA-JPL), Jorge Valdés (Universidad Mayor, Centro de Genómica y Bioinformática,
    Santiago, Chile), and David S Holmes (Fundación Ciencia & Vida, Center for Bioinformatics
    and Genome Biology).

  • Session Chair, Astrobiology Science Conference, Mars Biomarkers session “Modern and                                                    2017 
    Ancient Biosignatures and the Search for Life on Mars” with Andrew Czaja (University of Cincinnati).

  • Reviewer & Subject Matter Expert, Astrobiology, Journal of Geophysical Review (JGR)-Planets, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta (GCA), Earth and Planetary Science Letters (EPSL), Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical, and Engineering Sciences (Phil. Trans. Royal Soc. A).

  • Panel Reviewer, External Reviewer - Multiple NASA ROSES Proposal Cycles, Mars Data Analysis Program (MDAP), Planetary Data Archiving, Restoration, and Tools (PDART), NASA Earth and Space Science Fellowship (NESSF), Mars Fundamental Research Program (MFRP), NASA Astrobiology Institute (NAI), Planetary Science and Technology through Analog Research (PSTAR), NASA Postdoctoral Program (NPP), Solar System Workings (SSW)


Mentoring and Students

2023-Present      Adam Robinson, Dept. of Microbiology, St. Petersburg College

2022                        Jess Pavlik (The University of Tulsa,Department of Biology)

2022                        Crystal Dang (Department of Biology, Virginia Tech)

2021-Present      Breanna Javier, Dept. of Biology / Geological & Planetary Sciences, California Institute of Technology

2021-Present      Meghan Winzler (California State University, Long Beach)

2021-Present      Paulina Cortez (San Diego State University & STAR intern)

2020-Present      Devan Nisson (Princeton University)

2020-2021           Zac Cooper (University of Washington)

2020-Present      Madeline Garner (Montana State University & Blue Marble Space Institute of Science)

2019-Present      Jose Valera (University of California, Santa Barbara, Ecology, Evolution, and Marine Biology) 

2019-Present      Bea Baharier (Open University, School of Environment, Earth, and Ecosystems Sciences)

2019-2020           Jemma Dickson (Chemistry & Marine Biological Science College of the Atlantic)

2019-Present      Eduardo Martinez (Civil Engineering, Environmental and Water Resource Engineering, Cal State LA)

2019                       Sarah Crucilla (Geological & Planetary Sciences, California Institute of Technology)

2019                       Wilson Jean-Baptiste (Department of Chemical Engineering, Howard University) (Co-advised with Dr. Keith Chin)
2018-Present      Preston Tasoff (Department of Biology, Washington University in St. Louis)

2018-Present      Michelle Hooks (JPL STAR intern in teaching)

2018-2019           Jonathan Major (Department of Geosciences, University of Tulsa)

2018                       Angel Chavez (Dept. of Chemical Engineering & Materials Science, University of California, Irvine)

2017-Present     Taleen Mahseredjian (Dept. of Earth Sciences, University of Southern California)

Selected Presentations (Talks)

  • Invited Talk, International Space Science Institute, Bern, Switzerland,                                                                                         2022

         “Subsurface Biology on Mars: Probability, Preservation, and Determining Biogenicity”

  • Invited Talk, Environmental Geology & Geochemistry Seminar (EGGS), Princeton University                                                  2022

         “Quantifying Biosignature Preservation in Brine and Evaporitic Martian Analog Environments”


  • Invited Talk, UK Centre for Astrobiology, University of Edinburgh                                                                                      2020
    "Evaporite Biomarker and Biosignature Validation from the Modern to the Permian"


  • Invited Talk, Marine Biology Research Division, Scripps Institute of Oceanography                                                        2020
    “Halophilic Microorganism Preservation using Evaporite Mineralogy within Closed-Basin Lake Systems”

  • Invited Talk, Geological and Planetary Sciences-Yung Seminar Series, California Institute of Technology                      2019
    “Validation of Preserved Biological Processes within Evaporitic Mineralogy: Implications for Extant and Extinct Life”

  • Mars Forum, Science Division, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory                                                                                                2017
    “Identification and Validation of Biogenic Preservation: Defining Constraints within Martian Mineralogy”

  • Department of Earth Sciences, Paleoenvironment Seminar, University of Southern California                                              2016
    “On the detection and validation of biogenic matter within minerals: Constraining preservation potential
    within the Martian shallow subsurface via terrestrial analogues”

  • Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, Science Discussion, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory                                                            2016
    “Ancient Mars: Environmental Transitions and Habitability”

  • Planetary Science Seminar – Science Division, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory                                                                    2012
    “Constraints on Permeability Resulting from Secondary Porosity in the Burns Formation, Meridiani Planum, Mars”

  • Graduate Circus – Department of Geosciences, Stony Brook University                                                                                    2008
    “Investigation of secondary porosity and permeability from Eagle to Victoria craters”

  • Mars Exploration Rover - Athena Science Team meeting, Cornell University                                                                              2005
    “Grain Boundary & Secondary Porosity Analysis of the Burns Formation, Meridiani Planum, Mars”


Selected Conference Presentations

Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, The Woodlands, TX                                                                                                                                                         2023

Astrobiology Science Conference , Atlanta, GA                                                                                                                                                                                     2022

Mars Extant Life: What's Next? , Potential Martian Extant Life Environments I: Ice and Salt, Carlsbad, NM                                                                     2019

Habitability: The First Four Billion Years – Biosignature Theory and Detection of Life, Big Sky, MT                                                                                   2019

12th Conference on Halophilic Microorganisms – Astrobiology session, Cluj-Napoca, Romania                                                                                      2019

Committee on Space Research (COSPAR) , Biosignature Detection in the Solar System, Pasadena, CA                                                                         2018

National Academy of Sciences – Space Studies Board: Searching for Life across Space & Time, Irvine, CA                                                                 2016

Biosignature Preservation and Detection in Mars Analog Environments , Lake Tahoe, NV                                                                                                  2016

Astrobiology Science Conference , Chicago, IL, Mesa, AZ                                                                                                                                                      2015, 2017

American Geophysical Union , San Francisco, CA                                                                                                                                                                     2012, 2014

Eighth International Conference on Mars , California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA                                                                                                2014

Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Lunar Planetary Institute, Houston, TX                                                                                         2005-2009 , 2013

Seventh International Conference on Mars , California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA                                                                                           2007

Undergraduate Research & Creative Activities , Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY                                                                                        2005-2007 

General Work Experience

State University of New York at Stony Brook – Technical Support (President’s and Provost’s offices)                            2007-2008

State University of New York at Stony Brook – Resident Assistant (RA)                                                                          2004-2007

                -Responsibilities include creating instructive programs while serving as a mediator, counselor, crisis manager, and                       assistant to my 38 residents, at the same time enforcing campus policy and procedures.

Department of Geosciences - McLennan group website – Webmaster                                                                           2003-2008

State University of New York at Stony Brook – Lab Manager                                                                                          2003-2007

Professional Associations

American Geophysical Union (AGU)                                                                                                                          2012-Present
Geological Society of America (GSA)                                                                                                                         

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